Friday, August 21, 2009

Pork sold...but a new batch on it's way!

All of our pork was sold and they are currently at the processors! Thank you to those who purchased from us.

The good news is that we have 5 piglets that we are now raising for the next batch. They are currently being raised solely on milk. The neat thing about having way more raw Jersey milk than our family could possibly drink and extra whey leftover from cheese-making is that we have plenty to give the pigs. They love it and it is so good for them! We'll, of course, expand their diet as time goes by with extra fall garden produce and other goodies.

We'll keep updating on their progress, and when it gets close to processing time again, we'll be sure to post about it!


Jana said...

I'd like some of that you think it would make it to Califrnia unspoiled?....

Gina said...

I know there are companies that ship raw milk frozen all across the country. As much as I'd love to, though, my guess is that we just couldn't make it affordable for either of us, especially at such a low volume. If you are ever in Nebraska, though...